Constructing a Loop to Plot a Series of Graphs in Python

Oftentimes, we want to place charts of successive time points in parallel so it's easy to observe patterns and traits. I was surprised that there are no clear and simple materials online to teach how to accomplish such a task using Python's matplotlib drawing package. I figured the following script to draw this kind of charts. … Continue reading Constructing a Loop to Plot a Series of Graphs in Python

Manifold Learning and Principal Component Analysis(PCA) in Preprocessing the Data Before Building a Classification Pipeline

"Dimensionality curse" has been prevalent across the spectrum of the data analysis. Now machine learning claims its power in conducting complex tasks such as hand-writing digits, human face recognition, the huge amount of data and high dimensions cause big hurdles for the execution of such good methodology. Hence, an effective way to reduce dimensions is … Continue reading Manifold Learning and Principal Component Analysis(PCA) in Preprocessing the Data Before Building a Classification Pipeline

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning is a scientific discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model based on inputs and using that to make predictions or decisions, rather than following only explicitly programmed instructions. It oftentimes is conflated with data mining, although that focuses more … Continue reading Machine Learning Algorithms

Keep the DataFrame Structure after Applying Groupby in Python

Indexing is an important concept in all data analysis and programming. One tricky thing for layman users is that in most cases indexing starts from 0 except in R programming. Even seems counterintuitive in our daily life, it makes total sense in the computer world where the binary 0 and 1 dictates the foundational rule. When … Continue reading Keep the DataFrame Structure after Applying Groupby in Python